Alyssa Martinez
Eng. 008

Lowering the Drinking Age

  If you lower the drinking age more kids will make mistakes and dumb choices. It won't help if you lower it , it will just bring more unnecessary problems. When it comes to drinking kids aren't smart about their choices. It's important to keep kids from drinking at an early age. Also from making bad choices. The advantages to lowering the drinking is there will be less car accidents  and more healthy teens. The disadvantage to lowering the drinking age is if you're 18 you are consider an adult but you can't drink until you're 21. Another reason is drinking is not healthy for you. Also you kill brain cells.
 The advantages to drinking can be good and bad. These are the reasons why it's good and bad. The advantages to lower drinking is there will be less car accidents. When a teen drinks they don't think about anything. Also they don't think when they drive because they are drunk and they cause an accident and also can cause another person death because they want to make a dumb choice and drive drunk. Another reason is it's not healthy to drink it's bad for your brain cells and kills them also it makes you have a beer belly and you don't want that. If you don't want a beer belly then don't drink. The disadvantage are if you're 18 you are consider an adult but you can't drink till you're 21. When you're 18 you can make your own choices, get to vote , etc.Something most teens don't know is when your drink alcohol you are killing brain cells.
